All About Hopkins
Hopkins was Jennifer’s graduation present from her parents, Joe and Patti Winfree, when she completed her degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing in 2004. She traveled to the countryside of Virginia, outside of Richmond, to pick him out of a litter of new lab puppies when he was just 6 weeks old. He captured her heart when he stood out from the pack, exploring the land on his own, while the rest of his brothers and sisters chowed down ferociously on their dinner. They made the hour long road trip back home with him tightly wrapped in a blanket, sleeping soundly. From then on, Jennifer and Hopkins were the best of travel companions.
They traveled and settled their lives in many different areas: Richmond, VA, Charlottesville, VA, Washington, DC, West Palm Beach, FL and then to their final, forever home: Knoxville, TN.
** Side note from Jennifer:
This picture to the left was an incredible moment captured on camera. We had to say goodbye to Sir Hopkins on September 27, 2016 at 3 pm. This photo was taken just minutes after his last breath. The beach was his favorite place on Earth. He is literally shining down on us and my family is blessed with the perfect guardian angel. Until the Rainbow Bridge, my love...